Coming Soon- Pet friendly property in Burton SN14 7FE ! 3/12/19
With almost 12 million households owning a pet and the number of people privately renting increasing year on year, letting agencies can no longer afford to miss out on this growing part of the private rented sector.
Landlords and letting agencies who exclude pet owners from their properties are missing out on a large share of the rental market as almost half of households in the UK currently own a pet. By adopting a pet-friendly approach, you can easily increase demand for your property and attract long-term, responsible tenants. We believe that being pet-friendly will set your agency apart from the competition in your area. It will also allow you to attract long term, responsible tenants.
Let’s Go Let says-
We approach all applications individually, and think it’s far more important to have the ‘right’ tenant, who may happen to have a pet as opposed to the ‘wrong’ tenant who doesn’t have pets. In fact our last 4 ‘lets’ have both been with dogs.
So if its a flat for your fish you’re after
A couch for your cat
A den for your dog
Or a restful space for your rabbit
It’s worth talking to us
If the above figures are anything to go by, then we, as landlords will need to take another look at things. Obviously we know that not all properties are going to be pet suitable, but some certainly are.